Today I'm going to show you another popstick with nailart, I've done this nailart for a few times on my own nails, so at the end I'll show you the old pics with the nailart, so you can see that this nailart is easily done on your own nails.
So it's about above nailart, a nailart with corsets. Too bad the popstick is clear, now it looks not really amazing (yes there is corner gone from the popstick) but when you do it on your own nails it looks much better. (Because of the natural colour of your nails). I see this nailart a lot lately, also with Konad.
Hieronder een paar voorbeeldjes van mijn eigen nagels, let op sommige zijn al 2 jaar oud, en in die tijd had ik nog lange/ongelijke nagels, dat heb ik nu niet meer, maar wilde toch even wat voorbeeldjes laten zien. Ook is niet alles even netjes aangezien de foto's al behoorlijk oud zijn.
Scroll down for the pics of this nailart on my own nails, pay attention: 2 years ago I had long/unequal nails, I don't have that anymore ;), But just wanted to show you the nailart. Oh it's not very neatly, they're very old!
You can combinate the corsets with a french manicure if you like, just like I did above, this pic is from ±2008
Also you can play with ribbons, above I only made a ribbon on my ringfinger. This pic is also from ±2008.
Here I didn´t make ribbons at all, that´s how you can make the nailart also. Wow my pinknail is really long here! This pic is from the end of 2008.
And this was the last time I wore corsets on my nails, my nails were really an unequal messy here ;) But good, as you can see you can make this nailart in every colour you want. This pic is from the beginning of 2009, not long after this one I cut my nails and hold them equal.
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