This morning I woke up because of the postman with this supercute surprisepacket from VivaLaNails. Because I didn't knew what was in the packet exactly I was ofcourse really curious! Alright let's watch the packet from VivaLaNails!
And this was in the package! There are all kinds of nailart, really nice! I've got some more pictures, so now I'm going to tell exactly wat everything was.
Let's start with the stickers, these stickers are really cute, personally I like the right one the most, the stickers with the butterflies! These 3 packages are all nailstickers.
These 3 packages are waterdecals, I didn't use waterdecals before, so I'm going to try these one really soon! When I like it, I'm going to make them myself probably, but first try these! All 3 are flowers, so always fun to wear on your nails!
These are the first 6 packages with nailart, from left to right: Red rhinestones, Greenisch teardrops, purple flowers, green and pink stars and silver teardrops.
And these are the last 4 packages nailart, from left to right: Green beeds, Green glitters, gold flitters and 2 red feathers. How I'm going to use the feathers I really don't know, but I'll probably going to make some up.
Wanneer ik gebruik gemaakt heb van deze producten laat ik jullie dit natuurlijk weten, alle producten komen van: Ik ben erg positief over dit bedrijf, ze zijn gevestigd in Letland maar hebben een superservice en verzenden ontzettend snel. Dit pakketje had ik binnen 5 dagen in huis.
When I used the nailart, I shall show you, all products are from I'm really positive about this webshop, they're from Latvia but have really good service and shipping is mostly in 24 hours. I've got this package after 5 days, that's really quick!
Als laatste heb ik nog wat foto's van mn altijd nieuwsgierige konijn, ook deze was zeer onder de indruk van de nailart ( en heeft pogingen gedaan om de zakjes kapot te bijten, maar dat is dr niet gelukt hoor!). Verder vond ze de envelop errg lekker!
Last but not least, I've got a pic from my always curious rabbit, my rabbit was impressed too (and tried to bite the packages open, but she failed ;)). Further she really liked the envelope!
Thanks for reading!
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