Nothing's horrible than a torn nail.. Normally I don't have many torn nails, but too bad I had a little accident last sunday, so my thumbnail torned. I can't cut or file my nail because the torn is on my nail bed. So what now? Somewhere on the internet I saw an interesting article about the SOS Nail Repair Pads from Essence, so let's review it!
This is wat my thumbnail looks like. On the left side a huge tear! No face, and really annoying because there is nothing you can do. By the way I'm sorry for the crappy quality (Wrong lights!)
And this is what you need to rescue a broken nail. The SOS Nail Repair Pads from Essence, with the Nailglue from Essence. Every packet has 12 pads.
This is what a pad looks like, they are silky adhesive pads in 12 shapes, on my pic you see 6 shape, halve of the packet (it's folded). To use this pads, u have to cut the right shape which fit your torn nail.
Something like this.. Mine is a little bit crooked, pay attention to the adhesive silk pads! It's hard to fit it exactly right on your nail. It took me a quarter of an hour, and still it's not right! But I let it this way, because the sticky side isn't sticky anymore after so many tries.
And this is the result, I've done my french manicure again, because it was still on the rest of my nails perfectly. But I recommend you not, don't do a french manicure with a pad, it's nicer to do a whole manicure so you don't see the pad. In real life the pad isn't barely noticable and the most important thing: It works!! It works really good, my nail is smooth, no hooks, i'm only waiting for the moment the pad is hanging loose, I'll let you know when that is!
Wil je nou precies weten hoe je gebruik moet maken van deze pads? Dan adviseer ik je om dit artikel van Laquerized te lezen! Overigens komt er deze week alleen nog een Notd voor de afsluiting, dan ben ik voor 3 weken op vakantie! Maar dan ben ik natuurlijk weel terug met nieuwe dingen!!
You want to know how this works? I advise you to read this article from laquerized! By the way, only one Notd this week, then i'm going on my holiday for 3 weeks! But after that I'll be back with a lot of new stuff!!
Door een oplettende bezoeker kreeg ik een goede budgettip: Vind je deze pads nou te duur? Probeer dan eens een theezakje open te scheuren en het theezakje te gebruiken. Blijkt ook erg goed te werken!
An oberservant visitor had a good budgettrick: Do you think these pads are too expensive? Try a tea-bag! Ofcourse only the outside of the tea-bag, not what's inside!
Have a nice day!
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